Live your dream life TODAY.
- Can you articulate your life purpose in one simple sentence?
- Do you see your bigger dreams taking shape amidst a busy work schedule?
- Are you tired of your typical routine and want a practical roadmap on where to go next?
Live your dream life TODAY.
- Can you articulate your life purpose in one simple sentence?
- Do you see your bigger dreams taking shape amidst a busy work schedule?
- Are you tired of your typical routine and want a practical roadmap on where to go next?

Imagine how you will feel going from hoping you’re on the right path to knowing you are!
What is MyWhy?
MyWhy is a proprietary set of tools proven effective in helping individuals answer two questions — “What is my purpose?“ and “Why am I here?“. Answering these questions unlocks fresh perspective and motivation while bringing deeper meaning and satisfaction immediately.
With MyWhy, individuals gain new methods for both personal and professional achievement without having to uproot their life and change everything.
You don’t have to change everything, to change everything.
Over half the workforce is considering quitting their jobs citing dissatisfaction. What if there was another way?
MyWhy is a proprietary set of tools proven effective in helping individuals answer two questions — “What is my purpose?” and “Why am I here?”. Answering these questions unlocks fresh perspective and motivation while bringing deeper meaning and satisfaction immediately.
With MyWhy, individuals gain new methods for both personal and professional achievement without having to uproot their life and change everything.
MyWhy helps you…
Discover your purpose
To date over half a million people have heard this life altering message.
Find fulfillment
Wake up each day with renewed passion and clarity.
Advance in your career NOW
Learn how to use what you have, where you are, to get what you really want.
Love your life today
No dream is too big and it's never too late.
A note from Lynette
Looking back on my journey, I can remember two very distinct times when I felt hopeless, helpless, and at a dead-end in my personal life and career.
The first was in my late 20’s, when all my closest friends were doing what I thought I’d be doing — getting married, buying their first home, starting families, while I was working long hours in a job I liked, but often wondered, “Is this really all there is?”
The second time was just weeks after the September 11 tragedies that rocked New York City and our entire world. I was still single, nearly 40 years old, and once again full of questions like, “Why Am I Doing This,” and “What Should I Do Next?”
These two junctures filled with questions led me to answers that have redirected the course of my life since then. I found MY why and became passionate about giving the same fulfillment to everyone else.
Through these MyWhy tools, I’ve navigated life’s seasons of uncertainty with confidence and empowerment, knowing my daily practical steps are leading toward bigger dreams.
In short, the MyWhy tools took me from surviving to thriving in every area of my life, and have led me to…
- Navigating a global Firm to new promotions and roles created just for me
- Marrying my worth-the-wait husband at age 42, inherited four wonderful stepsons
- Launching a paid speaking career
- Writing and publishing two best-selling books
- Starting an international non-profit raising over $1 million, activating over 10,000 volunteers, organizing a Stilettos Run in NYC that broke a world record
- Becoming a regular guest and spokesperson on national television and media outlets
- And fulfilling dozens more dreams, because of the strategic tools in MyWhy
I’ve watched the MyWhy content change lives around the world.
No matter the age, the results are always the same — a glowing confidence of “this is why I’m here” accompanied by a roadmap to live your dreams.
I can’t wait to be your personal teacher, coach, and guide as you invest in your WHY, get definition and direction, then take it to others who will be inspired by how you live, dream, and lead every day.
Let’s do this!

What others are saying...

How will this course help me?
Can you imagine taking a long road trip across the country, without a GPS? Unfortunately, that’s how many of us approach life– we set out on a path without really knowing where we are going, much less how we are going to get there. Much like a GPS, MyWhy allows you to articulate your life purpose (destination) and give you practical tools to take your next steps towards your dreams. MyWhy becomes your GPS for life!
Who is this course for?
EVERYONE. No, seriously… everyone.
Am I too old? Too young?
The youngest person to go through the course was 12 years old, and the oldest was 80 years old. It doesn’t matter where you are in life, discovering and articulating your purpose is well worth your time. No matter what season you’re in, you will find fulfillment in connecting your purpose to the life you are living now, and be assured about the steps you will take in the future.
How is this different from the Enneagram / Strengthsfinder/ other resources?
Your “Why” a.k.a. your purpose, is unique to only you. No two purpose statements are the same, and no one else will have the same roadmap as you do. These other popular tests and tools can be very helpful in understanding your motivations and skill sets, but often they describe and align you to a “type” that many others will have too. What sets MyWhy apart, is that your purpose statement and ensuing roadmap are unique and customized to you. MyWhy also gives you very practical tools to take steps toward your dreams — dreams that reflect your personal hopes and aspirations. MyWhy is not just about discovery, it’s about application that changes your unique life for the good, then gives you the ability to express these things to others and with others for the rest of your life.
Does your purpose ever change?
It evolves, just as seasons shift in life and we grow and learn more about our giftings, talents, and inclinations. Purpose statements don’t usually change drastically, but starting with your first one will powerfully position and align who you are and where you are passionate about going in life.
What if I have no clue where to even begin with my purpose or my dreams?
Each module guides you through a personal discovery process. MyWhy helps you ask the right questions and ponder your answers to uncover indicators that will help you articulate your purpose statement. Ultimately, you will confidently know and articulate your life purpose, then connect it to your dreams.
If I’m already happy with my work, do I really need this course?
Knowing your life purpose is very different from just enjoying your work. We all enjoy many things, but how do we choose the right path, at the right time, and build incremental growth toward stronger and stronger purpose living? That is what this course is designed to give you — definition and confidence that you are indeed doing the work you are created to do, work that will have the biggest impact on the world.
I’m already tired and overextended. How can I make room for this course, much less new dreams?
MyWhy will unlock new energy reserves. Think of it like a great closet organizer who comes in and in no time puts all your “stuff” into piles such as the “keep”, “throw out”, and “give away” piles. The discoveries you make in this course, likewise, will help you know what to keep and what to set aside, with new energy and excitement reserved for what really matters.
Once I know my life purpose, will I have to change careers or leave my job to really pursue it?
One of the unique differentiators about this program is that once you know your life purpose, you can literally work at any job, for any boss, and CREATE a purposeful dream life starting immediately. The tools in these modules help you know exactly HOW to do this and KEEP doing this every day.
I’m in a leadership position. Is this program for me?
YES, this content will enhance leadership skills by understanding how personal purpose impacts everyone. With this material, a leader can teach others to know their purpose, and connect it to their current job placement. It helps manage time, focus, and relationships in a directed way, positioning every person on the team to reach their fullest potential, with the greatest impact.