I was honored to deliver the “Making Your Mark in the Marketplace” workshop here in Orlando at the Every Nation Conference. It’s fun to see what people tweet afterward, since it highlights what resonates, and their takeaways.
Here are a few of my favorites, maybe they’ll encourage you too (and check out more rich content via #EN2013 on Twitter)
Jealousy is a poverty mentality
Lesson 1 for big impact: Inclination is invitation. “God wants you to explore all facets of your personality
Every lesson comes with a lie. Lie #1: comparing yourself to other people. “Comparison is such a danger…”
Lesson 2: The lesson of innovation. “Dream outside of the job description.”
Some of the greatest innovations come out of pressure and desperation.
Lie #2 : the lie of credentials. We feel unqualified. “Don’t wait for permission. You’re not going to get it.”
Lesson 3: the lesson of excellence. “Excellence earns you permission to be an innovator.”
Lesson 4: the lesson of patience. “Patience is a choice.”
Stop signs are not dead end signs. “Your dream is the answer to someone else’s prayer.”
Dream tool 1: Assemble a dream team. “You need prayer, you need cheering, and you need challenging!”
Dream tool 2: one dream, one step, once a week. “…you’ll be amazed at how much progress you make.”