It was one of those Sundays where I had nothing to wear, which translates…”I’m sick of all my usual things.”

Hmm…What about that funky Pucci-esque skirt hanging there? Haven’t worn it in 7 years. Maybe with this old turtleneck, hey and what about those cool red coral necklaces from the Philippines, combining them for a big hunky look? And that knubby beige tweed jacket may have one more cold-temp Sunday left in her this season.
Throw in a pair of Jimmy Choo nude-color platforms and waalah…new combo of old things feels new!
Which is such a great reminder for closets, careers, and colleagues, all of which can get so utterly predictable at times.
Redoing can turn mundane into marvelous; boring into brilliant.
I’m a big believer in staying in a company vs. leaving. But staying doesn’t mean getting stuck. I go to networking events and purposefully sit with and talk to people I don’t know. Yes it’s more effort, but yes it yields more options, be it new mentors, fresh job opps, or an expanded attitude.
If you can’t find new possibilities on your own then consider seeing a counselor, or hiring a coach, or bringing in an expert to cast fresh light on common circumstances.
The point is redo makes for renew, and is often cheaper and better than new.